Egypt 1

I had no idea where the Egyptian on horseback had taken me, but it was wonderful.  We had ridden out into the desert, away from Saqqara, to an area where workers were excavating several small pyramids.   Crawling into one of them, I discovered only sand, and a bucket.

It wasn’t until I returned home from my third trip to Egypt, 12 years later, and looked at my photos that I discovered that I had been to Abu Syr, a site that had not been open to the public.

I did not know much about Egypt when I made my first visit.  I traveled alone for a few days, then joined a tour.   What I learned I could not have gotten from books.  It ignited in me a passion for the Land of the Pharohs, and laid a foundation for further study, and several more trips.

See also: Egypt 2, Egypt 3 & Egypt 4.


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About Łowiczanka

I'm a former dancer who loves all things Polish, especially the music... whether it be folk songs and dances from Poland, or polka music from Chicago. Oh, yes, and I love pierogi !
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10 Responses to Egypt 1

  1. kelly says:

    Thank you for your great blogs! You are so creative and fun.
    Your pictures are beautiful!
    I really appreciate them.

  2. Nickee Liang says:


    Those Egypt pictures are amazing…considering what has gone and is going right now in that country. Egypt is so rich with history and culture. Those pictures looked so surreal to me– someone who’s never been there and only saw it on TV and read about it.

  3. Pingback: Egypt 3 | Do Góry

  4. Pingback: Egypt 2 | Do Góry

  5. Pingback: Egypt 4 | Do Góry

  6. Pingback: Encontrei este blog! « Repórter das Arábias

  7. dyosefina says:

    beautiful is all i can say.. God willing, ill be there next month.. and oh, i just noticed re-your picture of the pyramid… would you know what happened to the peak? it’s quite different compared with the rest of the structure.

    • Łowiczanka says:

      You will love Egypt !! Glad you are getting the chance to go there.
      This photo shows Khafre’s pyramid, which still has limestone casing stones on top. The casing stones that covered the rest of the pyramid were plundered in ancient times.

  8. Angela says:

    I am glad that you went to Egypt despite all the tension and events that took place. Can you please tell me where the picture of the statue picture #6 from top was taken.

    • Łowiczanka says:

      Angela, that photo is from the Luxor Temple in Luxor.

      Egypt is the best place to visit. There is more to see there than anywhere else. That is why I kept returning. This was just my first trip many many years ago, and I have always felt much safer there than in a city like Los Angeles !!!

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